df19_1109_Guru Dudu_4 © Lea Bethmann
Foto: Lea Bethmann
Silent Disco After-Show-Party
Guru Dudu
10 pm
#performingarts #burgplatz #newsprogram2023 #gurududu #silentdisco
Useful information
about the performance
The Silent Disco after-show parties were triggered by a spontaneous party following the last Silent Disco Walking Tour in 2018. The fun was so great that we then offered the first after-show party with Guru Dudu in our theater bar in 2019, which was a huge success. This year, the dancing fun will once again take place on two Saturdays during the festival – you can choose between three different music channels via Bluetooth headphones and dance to your favorite dance music from the 70s, 80s and 90s. The result is a colorful, quirky mix of dance styles and a cheerful performance that can go on into the night, because there won’t be any noise. Come and dance with us!
Find alternative
Theatre bar in the theatre tent
Burgplatz, 40213 Düsseldorf
U70-79, U83 Stop Heinrich-Heine-Allee (ca. 5 min. walk)
Car parks K21, Grabbeplatz and Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Mutter-Ey-Straße
The theatre bar is barrier-free.
For further information and tickets, please contact our ticket hotline: 0211 82 82 66 22