
The Düsseldorf Festival is a colorful playground that invites you to approach art in a playful way. It is an open place for newcomers and specialists alike. Above all, however, it is a place for the enjoyment of sensuality and the satisfaction of curiosity.

Düsseldorf Festival, the festival for performing arts in the fields of theater, music, new circus and dance. The wide-ranging program is primarily dedicated to the interdisciplinary and cross-style arts. Founded in the early 1990s as the “Altstadtherbst Kulturfestival”, the festival saw itself as an alternative concept to the classic sectoral operation of public venues and the classical concert business in the city. The festival center on Burgplatz, the large theater tent, still hosts a top-class international program that has an impact far beyond the region.

Eingang des Festivalzeltes auf dem Düsseldorfer Burgplatz
Publikumsansprache bei der Eröffnung des Düsseldorf Festival
Artist von Circa bei einer Aufführung
Aufbau der Tribüne im Zelt des Düsseldorf Festival


Our large white theater tent is located on Burgplatz, directly on the Rhine. It is the heart of the festival. Dance, new circus, theater and music from all over the world take place here in front of 900 visitors; this is where the lifeblood of the festival pulsates. The entire 70-strong festival team works from here. Technicians and hands, riggers, lighting and sound technicians. Ticketing, production, the canteen crew with a large number of Düsseldorf volunteers. The tent is a meeting place for the audience, artists and staff. Everyone involved in the festival lives and works here for six weeks in a specially built container village. Our red retro bar is also our foyer, where the audience and sponsors meet for a drink before and after the performances.

In addition to the large international stage in the Theaterzelt, the Düsseldorf Festival also extends far into the city every year, filling smaller spaces with music, some of which are inaccessible to the cultural scene.


The two artistic directors Christiane Oxenfort and Andreas Dahmen have been responsible for the program since the festival was founded in 1991 and have also been responsible for the entire management as managing partners of the non-profit Festival GmbH for 20 years. Musicians by training and internationally successful with their ViF flute quartet, they are committed to experimentation and openness to new trends while maintaining a high artistic standard.

Oxenfort and Dahmen are supported all year round by a team of permanent and freelance employees, each of whom is in charge of a specific area: Assistant to the artistic director/sponsorship (Kathrin Sonnenschein), festival office (Lucy Gemmeke), ticketing (Timo Kasper), press relations and marketing (Tossia Corman), technology (Hans-Jürgen Müller), production/organization (Armin Leoni & Theresa Heussen).

During the festival period, the team grows to up to 70 employees.

Das Team des Düsseldorf Festival auf der Tribüne im Theaterzelt
Intendanten Christiane Oxenfort und Andreas Dahmen auf der Tribüne des Düsseldorf Festival