May B, Compagnie Maguy Marin


Foto: Herve Deroo


Cie. Maguy Marin


8.00 pm

from 7.30 pm

#performingarts #theatretent #newprogramm2024 #maguymarin #dance #mayb

Useful information
about the performance

Choreographer Maguy Marin has written dance history with “May B”. The classic saw the light of day in the theatre world back in 1981 and remains timelessly topical as a congenial response to Samuel Beckett’s dramas. Beckett brought waiting to the stage, Maguy Marin translates his existentialism into movement: Her ten-strong company forms a bizarre panopticon of dusty old creatures shuffling about unhoused. Beckett’s celebration of hope in hopelessness takes on a weightless cheerfulness to the wistful sounds of Franz Schubert and Gavin Bryars. Awkwardness becomes beguiling grace, humour and tenderness develop a deeply human dignity.

Maguy Marin, choreography
Albin Chavignon, lighting design
Louise Marin, costumes
Ulises Alvarez tutor/choreography assistance
Music by Franz Schubert, Gilles de Binche, Gavin Bryers

Kais Chouibi, Lazare Huet, Daphné Koutsafti, Antoine Laval, Louise Mariotte, Lisa Martinez, Alaïs Marzouvanlian, Isabelle Missal, Ennio
Sammarco, Marcelo Sepulveda, Dance

Laure Delavier, Production
Marion Gauvent, Tour Management
The Compagnie Maguy Marin is supported by the Ministère de la Culture – DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the City of Lyon and the Auvergne-
Rhône-Alpes region and receives financial support from the Institut Français for projects abroad.

A co-production of Compagnie Maguy Marin and Maison des Arts et de la Culture de Créteil

With the kind support of

May B, Compagnie Maguy Marin

Expert tip

Maguy Marin

“In this essentially theatrical work, the point, for us, was less to develop words and speech than blownup form of movement, thus seeking the meeting point between movement applied to theatre on the one hand, and dance and choreographic language on the other.”

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    Eingang in das Theaterzelt des Düsseldorf Festival auf dem Düsseldorfer Burgplatz


    Theatre tent

    Burgplatz, 40213 Düsseldorf

    • U70-79, U83, Stop Heinrich-Heine-Allee (ca. 5 min. walk)

    • Car parks K21, Grabbeplatz and Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Mutter-Ey-Straße

    • The theatre tent is barrier-free.

      For further information and tickets, please contact our ticket hotline: 0211 82 82 66 22

""May B", a milestone of contemporary dance in France, is just as much a revelation today as the piece must have been in 1981, when it opened up new perspectives for dance."

The Financial Times