Schattenperformace der Cie. Accrorap bei Prélude


Foto: Julien Sayegh


Kader Attou – Cie. Accrorap


8.00 pm

from 7.30 pm

#performingarts #theaterzelt #neuesprogramm2023 #urbandance #kaderattou #accrorap #prelude

Useful information
about the performance

The southern French Cie. Accrorap was founded on the initiative of choreographer Kader Attou, who invited around a dozen professional hip-hop dancers from the region to participate in his artistic universe. The celebrated formation comes to Düsseldorf with “Prélude”, a so-called “all-terrain” piece that wants to bring hip-hop dance to everyday places where you wouldn’t actually expect it. The indoor version of “Prélude” is also a haunting encounter between Romain Dubois’s penetratingly intense music and the sensual physicality of the dancers. The rhythmic and melodic crescendo, which intensifies like suction, heightens the tension and virtuosity of the performance, which purifies itself through raw energy to a redemptive liberation.

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  • Rheinbahn mit aufgedrucktem Düsseldorf Festival Logo
    Eingang in das Theaterzelt des Düsseldorf Festival auf dem Düsseldorfer Burgplatz


    Theatre tent

    Burgplatz, 40213 Düsseldorf

    • U70-79, U83, Stop Heinrich-Heine-Allee (ca. 5 min. walk)

    • Car parks K21, Grabbeplatz and Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Mutter-Ey-Straße

    • The theatre tent is barrier-free.

      For further information and tickets, please contact our ticket hotline: 0211 82 82 66 22