FRIDA, Eva Duda Dance Company


Foto: Tamas Leko


Eva Duda Dance Company


8.00 pm

from 7.30 pm

#performingarts #theaterzelt #neuesprogramm2024 #evaduda #tanz #frida

Useful information
about the performance

The Mexican painter Frida Kahlo is regarded as an icon of feminism and eccentric self-presentation. The Eva Duda Dance Company from Budapest approaches the most dazzling artist of the 20th century and her passionate life with moving images that respond to her extraordinary art. The show reflects Kahlo’s world and captures the atmosphere of Latin America, its rich culture and the magical realism of her paintings with dance, spectacular scenes and circus elements. Experience a theatrical vision of a dramatic yet life-affirming world inspired by the artist’s extraordinary life.

Eva Duda, Choreografie Mátyás Fekete, Projektion József Pető, Lichtdesign Izsák Farkas, Tibor Molnár, Musik Komposition Beatrix Csák, Choreografie Assistenz Daniel Dragos, Technische Leitung

Tänzer*innen Eleonora Accalai, Vera Bundschuh, Kostas Charalampous, Kristóf Deák, Dominik Gyúgos, Máté Horváth, Tibor Kováts, Mátyás Kovács, Eszter Lajter, Noémi Pataki, Zsófia Temesvári

Orsolya Vitárius, Produktionsmanagment Anita Vodál, Company Management FRIDA wird präsentiert von der Eva Duda Dance Company The National Dance Theatre Budapest.

With the kind support of

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    Eingang in das Theaterzelt des Düsseldorf Festival auf dem Düsseldorfer Burgplatz


    Theatre tent

    Burgplatz, 40213 Düsseldorf

    • U70-79, U83, Stop Heinrich-Heine-Allee (ca. 5 min. walk)

    • Car parks K21, Grabbeplatz and Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Mutter-Ey-Straße

    • The theatre tent is barrier-free.

      For further information and tickets, please contact our ticket hotline: 0211 82 82 66 22