
Healingbeats©Sophia Hegewald


Healing Beats

DJane Ka-raba & Lukas Akintaya drums


8.00 pm

from 7.30 pm

#performingarts #burgplatz #newprogram2024 #theaterbar #healingbeats

Useful information
about the performance

The “Healing Beats” project with drummer Lukas Akintaya and DJ Ka-Raba is an experimental format with drums and a DJ. Rhythms are the pulse of music – they are considered healing and revitalising because they can release blockages and expand consciousness. Throughout the history of mankind, rhythms have always been understood as transcending forces and used in spiritual contexts. The aim of “Healing Beats” is to dance yourself into a trance with pulsating rhythms in a relaxed club atmosphere. The musicians use field recordings, ambient music and beats to trace healing rhythms in ritual contexts.

Lukas Akintaya, percussion
Katerine Omole aka KA-RABA, DJane

Healing Beats is a production of PODIUM Esslingen.
PODIUM Esslingen is supported by “tuned – Netzwerk für zeitgenössische Klassik” of the German Federal Cultural Foundation. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for
Culture and Media.

A co-production with PODIUM Esslingen

With the kind support of

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  • Rheinbahn mit aufgedrucktem Düsseldorf Festival Logo
    Theaterbar im Vorzelt des Düsseldorf Festival Theaterzelt


    Theatre bar in the theatre tent

    Burgplatz, 40213 Düsseldorf

    • U70-79, U83 Stop Heinrich-Heine-Allee (ca. 5 min. walk)

    • Car parks K21, Grabbeplatz and Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Mutter-Ey-Straße

    • The theatre bar is barrier-free.

      For further information and tickets, please contact our ticket hotline: 0211 82 82 66 22