CSM Big Band ©Margret von Conta
Foto: Margret von Conta
Counting to Infinity, Tribute to Tim Davies
CSM Big Band – Romano Schubert
8.00 pm
from 7.30 pm
#Bigband #theatrebar #countingtoinfinity
Useful information
about the performance
With a tribute to the Los Angeles-based Australian Tim Davies, the experienced CSM Big Band comes to our theatre bar. Drummer and composer Tim Davies was nominated for a Grammy in 2009 – for Best Instrumental Composition with the piece “Counting to Infinity” – and describes his own big band as follows: “A band that is bigger, louder and faster than a big band and presents a mixture of jazz, hip-hop and death metal.” This hot mix is now presented by the CSM Big Band under the direction of Romano Schubert, who won the German Orchestra Competition in 2021.
Find alternative
Theatre bar in the theatre tent
Burgplatz, 40213 Düsseldorf
U70-79, U83 Stop Heinrich-Heine-Allee (ca. 5 min. walk)
Car parks K21, Grabbeplatz and Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Mutter-Ey-Straße
The theatre bar is barrier-free.
For further information and tickets, please contact our ticket hotline: 0211 82 82 66 22