Außenansicht des Gebäudes der NRW.BANK



Kavalleriestraße 22, 40213 Düsseldorf

useful information about the location

BANK has been opening its foyer to the festival for concerts by local and regional artists for many years. The foyer seats around 200 spectators.

Stehende Ovationen
Außenansicht des Gebäudes der NRW.BANK



  • U71-73 and U83 stop Graf-Adolf-Platz (approx. 5 min. walk)

    706 stop Graf-Adolf-Platz (approx. 5 min. walk)

    835, 836, M3 stop Landtag/Kniebrücke (approx. 5 min. walk)


  • Parkplatz, Konkordiastraße 1

  • NRW.BANK is barrier-free.

    For further information and tickets, please contact our ticket hotline: 0211 82 82 66 22